Mould Growth

Facts About Mould

Mould/Fungi constitute over 25% of the earth’s biomass, are present in the air and settled dust of every indoor and outdoor environment and are nature’s greatest decomposers.

Here are some facts about mould REF: (International, 2014; USEPA, 2008):

  • There are over 1.5 million species of fungi, however only 10% are known, and most of these are found in soil and on plant leaf.
  • Fungi include mould, mushrooms and yeasts.
  • Moulds are saprophytes i.e. they feed on dead organic matter because unlike plants which photosynthesize, they cannot make their own food.
  • Most fungi can’t metabolise the lignins found in hardwood. Manufactured woods
    removes lignins and leaves cellulose making it vulnerable to fungal attack.
  • Fungi grows on biodegradable building materials like timber, paper products like cardboard and books, plasterboard, clothes, furnishings, insulation, wallpaper, glues,
  • Fungi does not grow on inorganic materials like masonry, concrete, rocks, stone, glass, plastic or ceramic tiles EXCEPT where there is sufficient dust, dirt, grease or oil present on the surface. In addition, concrete or masonry may act as a reservoir for excess moisture.
  • The damp, musty odours synonymous with water-damaged buildings, tend to arise from
    microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) produced by gram negative bacteria and
  • You don’t have to see or smell mould, for it to be a problem.
  • 24% of the population can’t create antibodies to mould and so are genetically sensitive to mould and some chemicals .
  • Biocides like bleach can be a food source for some types of mould.
  • Some moulds produce proteins, mycotoxins and MVOCs that some people react to.
  • Only 25% of mould spores are viable (are able to germinate)
  • Non-viable and viable mould spores contain mycotoxins that when inhaled can be allergenic and toxic.
  • Mould can cause both allergic reactions and inflammatory reactions.
  • It is a fallacy that mould grows better in darkness; the reason they are so prolific in dark conditions is because they are more likely to be moist (less evaporation)
  • Average size of mould spores typically found in a damp environment are 2 to 10 microns but can be as small as 0.30 microns.
  • By the time you see visible mould, there will be around 65 million spores per square inch.
  • A general rule for exposure to mould is you should not spend too much time in a room with a area of mould growth equal to or more than an A4 piece of paper. c/- Mould Lab

© Australian College of Environmental Studies